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  1. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  2. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  3. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  4. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  5. Naziv kladionice: Derby-games Vrijeme odigravanja: 23:55 Broj para iz kladionice: 125 Naziv para: DENVER-MILWAUKEE http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_mad.gif Tip para: 1 Tečaj: 2.20 Ev. Dobitak: 12,00 Analiza (po izboru): Prvo mi je upao ovaj par u oko.
  6. Naziv kladionice: Premier Vrijeme odigravanja: 16:00 Broj para iz kladionice: 4562 Naziv para: Cheltenham-Scunthorpe
  7. Naziv kladionice: Premier Vrijeme odigravanja: 20:30 Broj para iz kladionice: 4242 Naziv para: Odbojka (M) Maaseik-Treviso http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_mad.gif Tip para: 1 Tečaj: 1.85 Ev. Dobitak: 8,50 Analiza (po izboru): Nemam vremena pisati analizu, no vjerujem da će ovo proći.
  8. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  9. Ela

    22. Decembar - Petak

    Millwall - Scounthorpe 2Analysis: If there was ever going to be a winner in this match, it has to be Scunthorpe. Undoubtedly, Millwall has improved but are still susceptible to the occasion lapse of concentration and after Scunthorpe embarrassed themselves in the weekend, I am expecting a reprisal from them. Millwall still boasts of the same personnel, who are a tad bit poorer in terms of quality and confidence especially when one considers their home record of just 3 wins this season with 2 of them coming against the likes of Bournemouth and Brentford, it hardly inspires confidence. As Scunthorpe looks to close the gap on league leaders Nottingham Forest, I am fully expecting them to ease pass an inferior Millwall quite easily. Scunthorpe does miss their first-choice goalkeeper and their captain while Millwall misses Ben May. This minor hiccup does not look significant enough to sway my opinion on this match however and am still favoring Scunthorpe to win with their quality telling come the end of 90 minutes. Scunthorpe to win 2-0.
  10. Genoa-Bari 1 Venlo-AGOVV 1 De Graafschap-Almere 1 Marseille-St.Etienne 1 Millwall-Scunthorpe 2 Ove utakmice sam kontala igrati i stavit malo vise love..
  11. Ela

    Listici by Ela

    Broj Tip Tečaj Fiks Fenerbahče - Frankfurt 0524 1 1.65 Espanyol - Austria Beč 0519 1 1.30 Che/New - 1/1 0785 1 1.45 Colo Colo - Pachuca (1:1) 0833 1 1.55 NT/Boca Juniors - Estud. La Plata 4483 X2 1.47 Colorado - St.Louis 0840 1 1.70 Hradec Kralove - Trebič 0863 1 1.45 San Antonio - Minnesota 0883 1 1.25 Cleveland - Charlotte 0878 1 1.15 Orlando - Toronto 0876 1 1.25 M/Njemačka -
  12. Ela

    Listici by Ela

  13. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  14. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
  15. Naziv kladionice: Kladionice
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