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Everything posted by El-Maestro

  1. Razarale su sestre dosta dugo vrijeme..
  2. WTA ima mnogo bolja konkurencija od ATP tako da nece moci mnogo dugo da dominira Clijsters..Ako ne dopre U Brisbane,Australian Open sigurno
  3. cekam jos over 18.5,nadam se da ce doci te dve kombinacije..Obojica srecni http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile.gif
  4. Kisa golova Flyers i Leafs aj jos koji http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_tongue.gif
  5. Gledajte Philadelphia-Toronto pa to nije hokej,to je kao u ring..Jedno 6-7 puta su se potukli http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_tongue.gif Edit : 5-1 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_biggrin.gif
  6. Nemaju blage veze zasad
  7. Pocela je kisa golova,a Philadelphia i Toronto su imali tri na jedan kontre ali nisu ih iskoristili i malo fight je imalo http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_tongue.gif
  8. Ajmooo sada Flyers-Leafs kisa golova http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_tongue.gif
  9. Zanimljivo je za oci http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_tongue.gif
  10. Ja sam igrao sa 15-16 ljudi i kupovao po 64 tikete al nista pak http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif
  11. Interesno je kad cekas jedan broj a na kraj ne dobijes http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_neutral.gif
  12. FREE TEN DOLLAR PROMO CODE:32DZONE You gotta check this out, im making BANK off of this site!!!! It’s a bit different than the usual fantasy sites like CBS or ESPN in that it has weekly drafts or in basketballs case, daily. Every week/day is basically a new season. It has drafts from $5 all the way up to $500. It also has drafts from 2 teams going heads up, all the way up to 12 team leagues. Plus it pays out anywhere from 80-90% of the fees paid back in prize money based on the league size. Another great feature is that it accepts all major credit cards through “Paypal” and is super fast processing payments and paying out prizes. They just recently came out with daily basketball and you can pick a team for only that day! its sick!....My screen name is “DA BEARS” so look me up once you get there. You can challenge other owners to drafts, smack talk, and even set up your own leagues. It’s a dreamland for Fantasy sport nuts such as myself. Also as a bonus use the code 32dzone and you will be credited with a FREE $10 into your account without any obligation to fund your account. It’s basically a free $10 to get you to check out the site and see how awesome this site is for yourself. Use it for a free $10 draft, or 2 free $5 drafts to get to know the site. If you then do decide to fund your account, you will receive an additional 25% of your initial deposit. For example, if your initial deposit is $100, then your account will be credited $125.00. If you have any questions about the site feel free to post it Good Luck and hope to see you soon at a draft at Draftzone.com P.s... Theres football too, all the way to the superbowl, and im looking for some challengers
  13. Visoki ulog na Cavalierse, Arenas ove godine i ne igras bas najbolje al ipak ima glavnu ulogu u ekipu a cinjenica da su izgubili od Charllote koji su imali 1-12(15) na goste(nisam siguran)-mislim da dobija Cleveland nad 20 razlike i mozda James over da se proba..
  14. Harmonija u timu je na nisko nivo,gledao sam juce prvo poluvrijeme protiv 76erse ali kako su dobili taj natprevar sa 7 razlike to je 8 svetsko cudo Sutra nema nikakve sanse
  15. El-Maestro


    Nije za podcenjivanje Safarova,levoruka je i moze da napravi probleme..
  16. El-Maestro


    Jel vredi Clijsters-Safarova over 18.5?
  17. Kolkiko uplacas na 3/4 ako nije tajna?
  18. Vrlo izgledni su Cleveland -13.5 i Atlanta -14..Cleveland posle poraza od Charlotte kod kuce ima da ih demolira Wizardse koji su juce pobedili poslije 14-15 razlike na poluvreme a za New Jersey nema sta da se prica oni i da igraju u D-ligi i tamo bi gubili tako da Atlanta koja je u veliki pad mozda da se vrati sa ovom pobedom.
  19. Kisa golova Philadelphia-Toronto?
  20. Blizu,blizu al je pogodena razlika barem
  21. 1.Ne bi rekao 2.Koch nemoze da ponovi dva dobra skoka,nije skakac koji moze da ih ugrozi ovi jaci
  22. Ajmoo Milan za 4/4 na Unibet i sta mislite jer dobivaju Grobari sa 15 razlike?
  23. Trebao si odma da dobijes,prati im e-mail..
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