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  1. pa,kada se već svi tako hvalite evo i ja ću,hehe najmanji dobitak mi je 2,16kn.igrao sam sistem 3/5 za 10 kn uloga. to mi je bilo prvi puta da igram sistem,nisam još ni bio siguran kako to sve šljaka... uglavnom bila su tu 2 tenisa-predano-koef srušen na 1..a dva sam fulao... najveći dobitak 1573 kn u supersportu...nakon toga skoro mjesec dana nisam uspio dobit ništa... http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_sad.gif
  2. pjerro


  3. pjerro


  4. pjerro


    kolike su šanse da safin i davidenko odu u over? kvota je 23,5 a koeficijent 1,8 nekako sam mišljenja da neće sve proći tako glatko ni za jednoga...? http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_biggrin.gif
  5. pjerro


    za danas par singlića:
  6. 6:1-----nadam se da je netko stavio ovaj par!hehe g.l. :o
  7. new jersey-n.y. rangers 1 1,90 ss vjerovali ili ne ali ovo nije početni sastav Rangersa nego injury list: Rucchin, S C Prob Sat - Foot - 4/20/06 notesMissed his last seven games due to a right foot injury. Kasparaitis, D D Prob Sat - Groin - 4/20/06 notesHe is still experiencing pain in his groin. Jagr, J RW Ques Sat - Flu - 4/22/06 notesHe has been kept away from the team to avoid spreading the flu he has picked up. Straka, M RW Ques Sat - Flu - 4/22/06 notesHe has been kept away from the team to avoid spreading the flu he has picked up. Nylander, M C Ques Sat - Flu - 4/22/06 notesHe has been kept away from the team to avoid spreading the flu he has picked up. Ward, J RW Ques Sat - Flu - 4/22/06 notesHe has been kept away from the team to avoid spreading the flu he has picked up. Ozolinsh, S D Ques Sat - Coach's Decision - 4/19/06 notesSat out the Apr 18th game as a healthy scratch. Rucinsky, M LW Doub Sat - Finger - 4/20/06 kod new jerseya injury list izgleda ovako: Clemmensen, S G Ques Sat - Flu - 4/19/06 notesWas on the bench in his most recent game Apr 18th vs Mon. White, C D Ques Sat - Groin - 4/19/06 notesMissed his most recent game Apr 18th vs Mon. Langdon, D LW Out indefinitely - Groin - 4/10/06 stoga tip 1 izgleda jako dobro g.l. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_sad.gif
  8. pjerro

    SUBOTA 22.4

  9. zanimljiva tema! neću da solim pamet ali malo previše parova...ipak nadam se da će ti se poklopit g.l. :o
  10. Petrinja je moje bivše mjesto stanovanja,Sisak sadašnje.poslat ću ti privat por na kraljetera,valda će te to uvjeriti :o
  11. 1. sacramento-phoenix 1 1,75
  12. 0:0---1:2---0:0 :P :o
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