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Everything posted by Davor_92

  1. prevara http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif ma znao sam da će bit golijada, nadam se pobjedi Aalesunda http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile.gif
  2. 20' Aalesund 1 - 0 AZ Alkmaar http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/50yes.gif
  3. Prića se da su Sammir i Badelj pred odlaskom... Naravno da nemamo šta očekivati od te Lige Prvaka, bitno je samo da lova sjedne na račun što prije http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif Ako imamo sreće, možda dobijemo nekog slabijeg od sebe pa da završimo 3. u skupini i nastavimo u Europskoj Ligi, sve više od toga je nemoguće http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/48thumbsup.gif
  4. Ja bi htio da Barca dođe u Zagreb, nije bitno šta će nas nakantati, barem se onda mogu sprdati s Hajdukovcima jer su oni platili B ekipu 2m eura, a nama da dođu za đabe http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif iz prve jakosne skupine možda neko od Engleza ili Talijana, mislim da od najjačih jedino protiv Milana ili Chelseaja imamo kakve-takve šanse otkinuti koji bod http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/48thumbsup.gif
  5. Možda X, ali sumnjam da Maribor može do pobjede, to je ipak ekipa u rangu Hajduka Još jedan zanimljivi par: Aalesunds FK - AZ Alkmaar 3.20 - 3.10 - 2.10 Aalesunds ima teren s umjetnom travom, naravno da im je to ogromna prednost. Kod njih je prvenstvo več u punom jeku, odigrano je 18 kola, dok je Nizozemska liga tek počela i odigrana su samo 2 kola. Aalesunds je pokazao svoju snagu u prošlom kolu kad su kod kuće pobjedili švedski Elfsborg sa 4:0. Sad su popustili u prvenstvu zbog igranja u Europi, ali i zbog zgusnute Norveške lige, trenutno su na 11. mjestu, sa 10 bodova zaostatka od 2. mjesta. Mislim da je Aalesunds bliži pobjedi, pogotovo i to što je AZ neuvjerljiv u gostima (prošle sezone 7-3-7 u prvenstvu), a niti 1X @ 1.60 nije loša opcija.
  6. FIFA has warned Switzerland to enforce its ruling that FC Sion are unable to field six new signings after the Swiss League allowed the club to select three players barred from competition by world football's governing body last weekend. FIFA imposed a ban on the club from purchasing players over the duration of two transfer windows from the start of the 2010-11 season following a ruling that they had illegally signed Egyptian goalkeeper Essam El-Hadary (pictured) in 2008. But the players involved took the case to a civil court in Martigny, prompting the Swiss League to back down and allow Sion to play three of the players they signed – Mario Mutsch, Pascal Feindouno and Gabri – in the 2-2 draw with Lucerne last weekend. But FIFA statutes state that such disputes cannot be taken to courts, and they even have the power to suspend federations who fail to enforce their rulings. Together with UEFA, the governing bodies warned the Swiss Football Association last week that they are expected to comply with and ensure the ruling is adhered to, though it stopped short of making any explicit threats. Sion are due to play Scottish side Glasgow Celtic in the Europa League qualifying round on Thursday (August 17), and named five of the suspended players in their squad for the first leg of the tie. The breach of the ruling means they could face further sanction from FIFA, and UEFA could throw them out of European competition for ignoring the warning. Also available punishments could include banning Switzerland from international football, but it seems unlikely that the dispute will go that far. Sion maintain that the ban has already been served, but FIFA insist it continues until the end of this year, and the club's combative President, Christian Constantin (pictured), is determined to fight his corner, even threatening to boycott away matches if the ban was not lifted. Malmo je bio u punoj natjecateljskoj formi, a Rangersi su prekasno počeli sa ozbiljnim pripremama, to ih je koštalo. Vidlo se i jučer da Malmo može biti itekako opasan, nisu imali neke šanse iz akcija, ali preko kontri su par puta opasno zaprijetili Svejedno mislim da Maribor nije neki dorasli protivnik, možda čak i hendikep za neki manji ulog
  7. Pittsburgh-St.Louis 2 @ 1.80 Atlanta-San Francisco 1 @ 1.70 Kansas City-NY Yankees 2 @ 1.55 KansasC(9,5)-NY Yankees Više @ 1.90
  8. Davor_92


    Dinamooooooooo Zaaaagreeeeeeb :tzare:
  9. mene samo zanima odtkud ti inspiracija za ovakve postove?
  10. BFC Siófok(2,5) - Videoton Feher. Manje @ 1.80 Houston-Chicago Cubs 1 @ 1.80 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/uredu.gif
  11. Davor_92


    http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif to je već tradicija...
  12. Davor_92


    http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_tongue.gif I tak ja nađem 2 dobra para japanske lige, odigram, i naravno na kakav glupi način uspijem pasti na oba, to je neš strašno...
  13. Davor_92


    ja sam mislio ić, al probudim se ujutro i vidim na 24sata da je u 8 ujutro (6 sati prije otvaranja blagajni!) bio red 100 metara reko doviđenja http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/77tooth.gif
  14. Gamba Osaka-Nagoya Grampus 1 @ 2,20 Kashima(2,5)-Cerezo Osaka Manje @ 1,90
  15. Atlanta(7,5)-San Francisco više @ 1.85 Atlanta-San Francisco 1 @ 1.75 Detroit-Minnesota 2 @ 3.20 Philadelphia-Arizona 2 @ 3.00
  16. Crystal Palace Ja ih već prekrižio, sad pogledam i ne vjerujem
  17. sva sreća pa mi je Bate bio glavni par za danas...
  18. Malo nogometa: BATE Borisov - Sturm Graz 1 @ 1,80 Crystal Palace - Coventry 1 @ 2,00 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/uredu.gif Lyon - Rubin Kazan X2 @ 1,90
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