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Everything posted by Tuto

  1. Tuto


    Postavi početnu cijenu pa ćemo licitirati.
  2. Tuto


    Prijedlog večerašnjih NHL
  3. Tuto


    Chakva je tenisačica koja prodaje svoje susrete (ovisi kakvu naredbu dobije), kao i Safina. Ali igrati tečaj 1,15? Zašto?
  4. Tuto


    Bez obzira na 'vrhunsku formu'
  5. Tuto


    Neka ti je sretno.
  6. Tuto


    Mislim da ovo nije mudar izbor: Montepaschi Siena (ITA) - Partizan Beograd (SRB) (Hendikep) Montepaschi Siena (ITA) -10,5 Na zadnja tri gostovanja Partizan nije izgubio tolikim hendikepom: Lost at Panathinaikos - 67:66 Lost vs Real Madrid - 72:80 Lost at Lottomatica Roma - 88:87 Teško da će večeras izgubiti sa tako velikim hendikepom. Jedino ako ti imaš neke druge informacije za taj susret.
  7. Tuto


    19:00 | Aberdeen - Bayern Munich (-1) | tip 2 @ 2.050 Bayern toliko prevrtljivo i kalkulantski igra da je lako moguće u ovom susretu i da izgubi ili odigra neodlučeno. Iako je realno bolji i trebao bi da Bayern pokrije hendikep. Ali ..... U prilog navedenom: 'Reports in Scotland are suggesting that Zander Diamond ( Aberdeen's main center back ) will be fit for this evenings clash with the Germans. This will be a huge boost to the squad ahead of what has been described as one of the clubs bigest games of the season, and certainly the biggest European game in many years. Barry Nicholson is also been passed fit along with Andrew Considine, both again integral parts of the Aberdeen team ( Center midfileder and Center Half respectivly ). This should again give the team a much needed boost. Darren Mackie has also been passed fit and although I do not rate him that highly he does possess some pace to give the German deenders some troubles and also gives the Aberdeen defence an outball in that he'll chase everything. From the same report, it suggests the Germans will be without Franck Ribery, Willy Sangol, Mark Van Bommel and Daniel van Buyten. These are arguably four of thier main players for games such as this. Both teams have their injury worries and could it be possible Munich travel up to the north of Scotland, in a windy and cold Pitodrie, full of fanatical Aberdeen fans and decide a draw would not be such a bad result.?' Nadam se da će pomoći u odluci tipa.
  8. Tuto


    Večerašnje utakmice kupa UEFA-e.
  9. Tuto


    Iskreno mi je žao.
  10. Tuto


    Mora dobiti motivaciju! http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/crossfingers.gif
  11. Tuto


    Em, ti Milano! http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/48thumbsup.gif On je i mene koštao puno puta kao i Real, Barca, Celtic, Chelsea, Bayern. Ako i odigram pokoji nogometni par, nastojim ove navedene zaobići u širokom luku, pa ma kako primamljiv tečaj imali. Kod ovih klubova ništa nije sigurno, pa kada izgleda 100% sigurno. Vjerojatno 'više sile' upravljaju njima. Sretno u današnjem izboru. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/crossfingers.gif
  12. Tuto


    U jučerašnjem cafeu Dwiz je objasnio hendikep okladu. Momčad na koju se kladiš dodaješ ili oduzimaš (1,5) od konačnog rezultata. Ako se kladiš na (+1,5) onda tako i pišeš. I obrnuto. Tako prakticiraju prave kladionice, jer pored imena kluba piše hendikep u plusu ili minusu, a ne 1 ili 2. Dakle,
  13. Tuto


    ISA nema komentara. Je si li ti jučer (noćas) 'omastio brk'? http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/crossfingers.gif
  14. Izvinjavam se, postavio sam link na komercijalnu stranicu http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/crossfingers.gif , pa sam izbrisao.
  15. Tuto


    Nakon jučerašnjih (noćašnjih) NHL susreta, opet neki 'omastili brk'. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/50yes.gif
  16. Tuto


    Dobro jutro! http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/48thumbsup.gif U Rijeci jutros
  17. Tuto


    baptista, neka ti je sretno. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/48thumbsup.gif
  18. Tuto


    Evo 1500 - Sivroni. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile.gif http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/48thumbsup.gif
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