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Evo da si i ja jedan listić sastavim prije spavanja:


1 09/04/2009 MIL Brewers @ SF Giants

(Game Totals) (Y Gallardo & R Johnson must start) Under 8.5

Pitcher details 1.60 None To Run

2 09/04/2009 LA Dodgers @ SD Padres

(Game Totals) (Billingsley & W Silva must start) Under 8.5

Pitcher details 1.71 None To Run

3 09/04/2009 OAK Athletics @ LA Angels

(Game Totals) (D Eveland & N Adenhart must start) Under 10.0

Pitcher details 1.64 None To Run

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Jos jedan listic MLB-a,prema baptistinom sistemu,prosao. :crossfingers: Juce su se na listicu nasli St.Louis i Boston.Pukose iznenadjenja,prelijepa. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_redface.gif Hvala baptista. Sretno svima danas. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_mad.gif

Edited by bolinjo

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Bas mi je drago da vam prolaze ticketi..nadam se da ces na kraju sezone biti u plusu a do onda ces morati spremiti barem jedan kulen i poslati ga autobusom... :crossfingers:

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Evo da si i ja jedan listić sastavim prije spavanja:


1 09/04/2009 MIL Brewers @ SF Giants http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_mad.gif

(Game Totals) (Y Gallardo & R Johnson must start) Under 8.5

Pitcher details 1.60 None To Run

2 09/04/2009 LA Dodgers @ SD Padres :crossfingers:

(Game Totals) (Billingsley & W Silva must start) Under 8.5

Pitcher details 1.71 None To Run

3 09/04/2009 OAK Athletics @ LA Angels http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_redface.gif

(Game Totals) (D Eveland & N Adenhart must start) Under 10.0

Pitcher details 1.64 None To Run


Ovo jedva prošlo na jedvite jade, sva sreća da je Oakland ostao na 10!!! http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_redface.gif

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...oohho vidim i Suhi MLB prosao treci dan zaredom..pa bravo decki oce vas to dabome...

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Dobro jutro!


Sretno u odabiru današnjih parova.


...oohho vidim i Suhi MLB prosao treci dan zaredom..pa bravo decki oce vas to dabome...

Suhi MLB


Nekak mi se ovo čini prelagano. :crossfingers:

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Dobro jutro!


Sretno u odabiru današnjih parova.




Suhi MLB


Nekak mi se ovo čini prelagano. :crossfingers:

..cini se al kad tad moras naletiti da ce favorit dobiti s jednim razlike..zato treba postepeno dizati ulog..tako ako fulas recimo di ti je profit 2 da mozes jos dva tri puta duplati da se vratis a da ne izgubis lovu..a valda neces fulati 3-4 puta zaredom.. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_mad.gif

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Dobro jutro! :crossfingers:


Za one nevične klađenju (wildgh) na MLB susrete potrebno je navesti da kod kladionice Pinnacle postoji ponuda pod nazivom:


MLB Alternate Runlines


Dakle, moguće se je u singlu kladiti na jedan tim na dva različita hendikep. Npr. iz jučerašnje ponude:


(+1,5) Minnesota Twins - Seattle Mariners - 1 - Alternate Runlines

(-1,5) Minnesota Twins - Seattle Mariners - 1 - Run Line


Sretno i uživajte.


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Pišem neke "gluposti".. pa me razveselilo da ima još netko budan

Netko? :crossfingers:

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