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Radi se o bet365 kladionici, a ja bi klasični over odigrao, jel to ovo pod 4, šta me briga ko će nabijat loptu?

Bet365 voli komplicirat život sebi, pa i nama........


uglavnom ja se trudim skupit potrebne postove, a ekipa pomaže...........neki više neki manje

pa da zagustilo ti..e da si svaki dan kad si virio tu ostavio post dva sad biš imao manje posla.. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/76tatice_06.gif


I da nemoj reci da nisi virio jer jesi,ja sve vidim,ja sam ovdje dežurna baba.. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_clapping.gif


pa da zagustilo ti..e da si svaki dan kad si virio tu ostavio post dva sad biš imao manje posla.. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/76tatice_06.gif


I da nemoj reci da nisi virio jer jesi,ja sve vidim,ja sam ovdje dežurna baba.. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_clapping.gif

Da virio.........uopće nisam mislio na pravilo, znao sam da imam vremena tek za vidjet kakva je atmosfera pa nisam ništa pisao.........


Da virio.........uopće nisam mislio na pravilo, znao sam da imam vremena tek za vidjet kakva je atmosfera pa nisam ništa pisao.........

Dobro ajde reci koliko još postova imaš za odradit?


hoću da uplatim over 9.5 na basebal utakmicu Padres - Dodgers i ono me pita 4 opcije

Evo šta kažu pravila bet365 za baseball:


All games must start on the scheduled date (local time) for bets to have action. If a game has been postponed or cancelled before its due start time then all bets are deemed no action.

MLB wagers

It is the client's responsibility to ensure they are aware of any relevant pitcher changes. For game side/total/run-line betting there are three options to choose from:

Action - team against team regardless of the starting pitcher. Each team's starting pitcher is defined for wagering purposes as the pitcher that throws the initial pitch. Pitchers can be specified when placing wagers.

One specified pitcher - a wager on or against one specific starting pitcher regardless of the other starting pitcher. Specified pitcher must start or wager is deemed no action.

Listed pitchers must start - a wager that specifies both starting pitchers. Any variation constitutes no action. Wagers with ‘One specified pitcher’ and ‘Listed pitchers must start’ that were placed when the named pitcher was originally listed are no action if the listed pitcher is changed and is then re-listed back to the original pitcher.

Wagers placed on the named pitcher, after being re-listed, are action.

In the event of a change in one or both starting pitchers prior to the start of a baseball game then the side/total/run-line betting may be adjusted. If one scheduled starting pitcher starts against an unscheduled starting pitcher, or both starting pitchers were unscheduled, then all 'action' and live 'one specified' pitcher wagers will be computed at the opening price/line established with the new starting pitcher(s).

Double pitching change, where a listed pitcher is changed then re-instated for betting purposes, bets will be treated as a normal pitching change.



Ima li još nejasnoća! http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_clapping.gif

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