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slab sam sa ovim each way okladama,ko je malo upućeniji..... na federeru da će osvojiti wmbl stoji 2 kvota a piše [Each Way: 1/2 odds for place 1-2],


dakle po formuli 1 + [(win odds - 1) / 2] ispada da je kvota 1.5 da će biti drugo mjesto.... znači ako uključim EW imam jednu okladu od recimo 10 € na 2 kvotu i jednu na 1.50.... što bi značilo da dobivam 35 ako fedex osvoji i 15 ako zine u finalu što bi načilo da sam 5 € na glavi ako izgubi...... ovo sam sam skonto, može li mi tkogod potvrditi?


slab sam sa ovim each way okladama,ko je malo upućeniji..... na federeru da će osvojiti wmbl stoji 2 kvota a piše [Each Way: 1/2 odds for place 1-2]

Each Way 


An "Each Way" (E/W) bet is two bets on the same selection at equal stake amounts. One bet is to win and the other to place whereby the place odds are a fraction of the win odds. The fraction and the number of places covered depend on the number of entrants and are stated in the event's details.




England Premiership 07/08

[E/W: 1/4 odds for 1-5]


Liverpool 6.00 E/W, stake: $10


If you place this bet with the Each Way option, you will have two bets:

Liverpool to win the Premiership @ 6.00

Liverpool to place 1-5 in the Premiership @ 2.25

$10 will be deducted from your account for each of the two wagers for a total cost of $20.

The formula for the calculation of the place odds is: 1 + [(win odds - 1) / 4]


Javi ukoliko treba prijevod. :crossfingers:

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