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Prijedlozi današnjih dnevnih MLB susreta - Pinnacle:


18:05 - Cleveland Indians - Toronto Blue Jays - Cleveland Indians +1.5 - 1.524 :nije:

18:35 - Cincinnati Reds - New York Mets - New York Mets +1.5 - 1.524 :nije:

19:05 - New York Yankees - Baltimore Orioles - under 9.5 - 1.909 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

19:10 - Minnesota Twins - Detroit Tigers - Detroit Tigers +1.5 - 1.704 :nije:

21:35 - Oakland Athletics - Texas Rangers - Oakland Athletics +1.5 - 1.704 :nije:


Uspješan odabir!  http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif


Tuto  :uredu:

Edited by Tuto

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Prijedlozi današnjih noćnih MLB susreta - Pinnacle:


01:05 - Washington Nationals - Atlanta Braves - Washington Nationals +1.5 - 1.813 :nije:

01:05 - Philadelphia Phillies - St Louis Cardinals - under 10 - 1.885 :nije:

01:05 - Pittsburgh Pirates - Chicago Cubs - Chicago Cubs - 1.662 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

01:10 - Florida Marlins - San Francisco Giants - San Francisco Giants - 1.769 :nije:

01:10 - Boston Red Sox - Los Angeles Angels - Los Angeles Angels +1.5 - 1.671 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

02:05 - Houston Astros - Arizona Diamondbacks - Houston Astros +1.5 - 1.595 :nije:

02:10 - Chicago White Sox - Kansas City Royals - Chicago White Sox +1.5 - 1.441 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

04:05 - San Diego Padres - Colorado Rockies - San Diego Padresd +1.5 - 1.549 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/uredu.gif

04:10 - Los Angeles Dodgers - Milwaukee Brewers - Los Angeles Dodgers - 1.524 :nije:

04:10 - Seattle Mariners - Tampa Bay Rays - Tampa Bay Rays +1.5 - 1.429 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/uredu.gif


Uspješan odabir!  :nije:


Tuto  :uredu:

Edited by Tuto

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Prijedlozi večerašnjih playoff NHL susreta (OT uključeno - Pinnacle):


01:00 - Philadelphia Flyers - Boston Bruins - Boston Bruins +1.5 - 1.439 :nije:

03:30 - Vancouver Canucks - Chicago Blackhawks - Chicago Blackhawks +1.5 - 1.435 :nije:


Uspješan odabir!  :nije:


Tuto  :uredu:

Edited by Tuto

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03:00 8,5/R.Jefferson (Phoen-S.Ant): vise, 1,8, bet at home, 8/10


Sto rec o ovoj granici na ovog igraca.. Po meni jako malena granica. Nacin na koji bet at home stavlja granice na igrace me iznenaduje iz dana u dan, jedini element koji gledaju je prosjek koseva igraca u playofu. Tu je ovaj igrac na 8,6 poena..

U ponudi hrvatskih klada samo u hl mozemo nac ovoga igraca na granici od 10,5 sto je po meni i realna granica. U prosloj tekmi je uzeo samo tri suta sto nepamtim kad se bilo dogodilo da uzme tak malo suteva te je zavrsio na ucinku od 5 poena. Gadao je 1/3, a slobodnjake 3/5. Rjec je o igracu koji ima sve, nisko krilo.. zna zabit s poludistance, trojku, uci na polaganje..

Spursi njegov veci ucinak u igri sasvim sigurno trebaju i danas ce on morat uzet vise odgovornosti na sebe. Sto se tice minutaze igrao je u prosloj tekmi sasvim solidnih 33 minute.

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