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Sharon Den Adel,inače pjevačice nizozemske symphonic metal grupe Within Temptation,je prošle godine dobila nagradu za najbolji ženski vokal svijeta.nakon ove pjesme je sasvim očito zašto je to tako.jednostavno prekrasan glas,fenomenalna pjesma...baš ono za fino opuštanje.ovo je bez konkurencije najbolji glas koji sam do sada čuo.


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Prenos uzivo kako inzinjeri NASE prave novi rover koji ce da ide na Mars.



Mission name: Mars Science Laboratory

Rover name: Curiosity rover

Size: About the size of a car -- 10 feet long (not including the arm), 9 feet wide and 7 feet tall!

Weight: 900 kilograms (2,000 pounds)

Features: Geology lab, rocker-bogie suspension, rock-vaporizing laser and lots of cameras

Mission: To search areas of Mars for past or present conditions favorable for life, and conditions capable of preserving a record of life

Launch: Between Nov. 25–Dec. 18, 2011, from Cape Canaveral, Florida

Arrival: August 2012 at Mars

Length of mission on Mars: The prime mission will last one Mars year or about 23 Earth months.

Edited by Bunka
  • 2 weeks later...

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