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20:00 St. Louis Blues - Anaheim Ducks;Tip: St. Louis Blues Over 2.5 @ 1.685 Pinnacle 8/10


NHL OT Included Team Totals Hockey,igram da St.Louis daje preko 2.5 gola na utakmici računajući produžetke i penale



Zaključak: Igram na St Louis zbog domaćeg terena,odlične uigrane obrane,Anaheimu brani dobar golman bez obzira što je primio 8 golova u dvije utakmice,veći problem leži u neuigranosti defenzivnih igrača među kojima ima 7 novopridošlih ....St .Louis može dati 3 ili više poena na utakmici.

Anaheim je prošle sezone upisao u gostima tek 14 pobjeda od 41

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Prijedlog večerašnjih NHL susreta (OT uključeno - Pinnacle):


20:00 - St. Louis Blues - Anaheim Ducks - Anaheim Ducks +1.5 - 1.474http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

22:00 - New Jersey Devils - Pittsburgh Penguins - Pittsburgh Penguins +1.5 - 1.415 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/uredu.gif

01:00 - Buffalo Sabres - Chicago Blackhawks - 1st Period Chicago Blackhawks +0.5 - 1.513http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

01:00 - Philadelphia Flyers - Colorado Avalanche - Colorado Avalanche +1.5 - 1.455http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

01:00 - Washington Capitals - Ottawa Senators - 1st Period over 1.5 - 1.800http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/nije.gif

04:00 - Vancouver Canucks - Florida Panthers - Vancouver Canucks under 3.5 - 1.714 http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/uredu.gif


Uspješan odabir!   :uredu:


Tuto   http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/14clover.gif

Edited by Tuto

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Prijedlog današnjeg playoff MLB susreta - Pinnacle:


02:30 - Atlanta Braves - San Francisco Giants - Atlanta Braves +1.5 - 1.400 :uredu:


Uspješan odabir!   :crossfingers:


Tuto   http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/14clover.gif

Edited by Tuto

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