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Upravo sam se normalno logirao na MB.

Jest, da je račun suh, ali nemam problema sa logiranjem. :wink:


Hm meni je cijelo popodne mrtav..uopće ne mogu dić stranicu a kamoli se logirat..jednostavno par sekundi stoji i onda javi problema loading page.. :uredu:


Ok da pitam ponovo?!

Dragi kolege forumaši,dali možda imate problem pri otvaranju stranice moneybookers servisa? :uredu:


Sve ok kod mene


Ok da pitam ponovo?!


Dragi kolege forumaši,dali možda imate problem pri otvaranju stranice moneybookers servisa? :uredu:


Potvrdjujem da je i kod mene sve OK.


Dobro vecer

Posted (edited)

Ok da pitam ponovo?!


Dragi kolege forumaši,dali možda imate problem pri otvaranju stranice moneybookers servisa?  :uredu:


Bio je na target listi(neprijatelji Wikileaks-a) Anonops-a, kratko vreme bio je pod DDoS napadima, al promenili su startegiju ti 30000 tinejdjera i malo starijih :wink:




To add more targets make a comment with a valid argument.



Target List








Just like Paypal they decided to fold under political and corporative (is there a difference) pressure and blocked wikileaks funds. They where actually the first company to do this so they really deserve a heavy ddose of free speech.



They are under heavy consideration. A fraction of the younger part of anonymous started a separate attack on moneybookers but no official target is decided in this moment.



Edited by Bunka

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