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Ajde čekat ćemo Tuta da se očituje .... pa neznam baš da se 2 dana igra?


Pakistan je krenuo sa napadom,tako da se izvinjavam,mozda zavrse i danas....


Dobar dan svima http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/80yahoo.gif danas je D dan za H2H http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile_dance.gif sretno svima pa sta bude http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/56bounce8.gif


Dobar dan! nek pobedi najbolji http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_evil.gif puno uspeha svima danas POZDRAV od Čika Crnog


Ajde čekat ćemo Tuta da se očituje .... pa neznam baš da se 2 dana igra?

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Kriket je sport koji se može igrati u raznim formama – utakmice mogu trajati 5 dana (tzv. Test Match), 7 sati (One-day cricket) ili 3 sata (Twenty-20) – a isključivo se igra ljeti i to po suhim vremenskim uvjetima.


Stoga, sastavni dio kriketa su ljetne vrućine i nakon dugog vrućeg dana, da li na terenu kao igrač ili u stadionu kao gledatelj. No, svi se slažu u jednom – da nema boljeg načina ugasiti žeđ nego uz ledeno pivo ili hladan sok za mlađe.


Ovo je susret - 2nd-Semi-Final ODI Day/Night.

Limited overs cricket, also known as one-day cricket and in a slightly different context as List A cricket, is a version of the sport of cricket in which a match is generally completed in one day, whereas Test and first-class matches can take up to five days to complete. The name reflects the rule that in the match each team bowls a set maximum number of overs, usually between 20 and 50, although shorter and longer forms of limited overs cricket have been played. Important one-day matches, international and domestic, often have two days set aside, the second day being a "reserve" day to allow more chance of the game being completed if a result is not possible on the first day (for instance if play is prevented or interrupted by rain).

One Day International matches are usually played in brightly coloured clothing often in a "day-night" format where the first innings of the day occurs in the afternoon and the second occurs under stadium lights.


Nadam se da je sada sve jasno oko kriketa. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_biggrin.gif


Radi vlastite sigurnosti postavi novi par.


Kriket je sport koji se može igrati u raznim formama – utakmice mogu trajati 5 dana (tzv. Test Match), 7 sati (One-day cricket) ili 3 sata (Twenty-20) – a isključivo se igra ljeti i to po suhim vremenskim uvjetima.


Stoga, sastavni dio kriketa su ljetne vrućine i nakon dugog vrućeg dana, da li na terenu kao igrač ili u stadionu kao gledatelj. No, svi se slažu u jednom – da nema boljeg načina ugasiti žeđ nego uz ledeno pivo ili hladan sok za mlađe.


Ovo je susret - 2nd-Semi-Final ODI Day/Night.

Limited overs cricket, also known as one-day cricket and in a slightly different context as List A cricket, is a version of the sport of cricket in which a match is generally completed in one day, whereas Test and first-class matches can take up to five days to complete. The name reflects the rule that in the match each team bowls a set maximum number of overs, usually between 20 and 50, although shorter and longer forms of limited overs cricket have been played. Important one-day matches, international and domestic, often have two days set aside, the second day being a "reserve" day to allow more chance of the game being completed if a result is not possible on the first day (for instance if play is prevented or interrupted by rain).

One Day International matches are usually played in brightly coloured clothing often in a "day-night" format where the first innings of the day occurs in the afternoon and the second occurs under stadium lights.


Nadam se da je sada sve jasno oko kriketa. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_biggrin.gif


eh vidim sad ovaj post...nije ovo za mene http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile.gif

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