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Kako Taylor vidi svoj start na Eduarda i kako to objašnjavaju u njegovom klubu:


Birmingham central defender Martin Taylor has insisted there was "no malicious intent" in his tackle which has left Arsenal striker Eduardo with a suspected broken leg.

Eduardo, who will be 25 on Monday, was stretchered off after Taylor's third-minute challenge in the 2-2 draw at St Andrews and was immediately taken to hospital.

Taylor was given a straight red card and now faces an automatic three-match suspension.

But Gunners manager Arsene Wenger claimed the former Blackburn player "should not be allowed to play again" in a blistering attack on the player, a comment he has now retracted.

Birmingham responded on Saturday evening by issuing a three paragraph statement in defence of Taylor who was left "distraught" by the extent of Eduardo's injury according to manager Alex McLeish.

The statement reads: "The club are saddened that such a fantastic game of football has been marred by a serious injury sustained to Arsenal player Eduardo.

"But Martin Taylor is adamant there was no malicious intent in the tackle and he is deeply upset by the extent of Eduardo's injury.

"Having reviewed the incident, this (no malicious intent) is clearly the case. The club and Martin Taylor would like to send their very best wishes to the player for a speedy recovery."

Wenger retracted his earlier comments on Saturday evening, saying: "It was a highly emotional afternoon and we were all shocked by the injury to Eduardo.

"On reflection, I feel that my comments about Martin Taylor were excessive. I said what I did immediately after the game in the heat of the moment."


Sada će još na kraju Dudu biti kriv za svoju slomljenu nogu, jer da nije krenuo u napad i prema Tayloru ne bi imao slomljenu nogu. Na kraju se i Wenger 'posipa pepelom' zbog svoje prvotne izjave.


Svašta. http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/14clover.gif


Dobro jutro svima iz vjerovali ili ne maglovite Pule.Istina i ja sam jos pod dojmom Eduardove ozljede ali ajde kako kazu nije ipak najgori moguci scenarij i uvjeren sam da ce ga strucnjaci iz engleske dobro zakrpati i onda jos neka kvalitetna rehabilitacija u lijepoj nasoj i dudu ce opet bit ko nov na startu premiershipa..

Eto vjerujmo u čuda i bit ce sve ok...Kako nam se Klasnic vratio tako ce i Dudu...siguran sam http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/14clover.gif


Peticija "Zabranimo doživotno Tayloru igrati nogomet" ruši sve rekorde



Prema posljednjim informacijama iz Birminghama Eduardo da Silva je uspješno operiran i već sutra vratit će se u London gdje će početi svoj oporavak. Iako se po snimkama činilo da se radi o teškom lomu gležnja, Eduardu je slomljena fibula...


Engleski dnevnik Daily Mail objavio je nekoliko najtežih ozljeda u Engleskoj, a Eduardova je me


žalosno je sve to..ali dobro..samo neka se eduardo oporavi



..evo jucer na kladionici nesšto malo i dobio,ovdje na forumu pogodio parove na expektu i h2h i preuzeo druga mista na obe tablice,tako da bi i tu moglo biti šta para,šta nije loše premda mi je ovo prvi misec ovdje,..a danas mislim da ima odlicni parova i sretno svima



i jedno pitanje:zasto se tablica na expektu ne mijenja vec dva dana http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/14clover.gif


i jedno pitanje:zasto se tablica na expektu ne mijenja vec dva dana



pozdrav svima iz suncanog Sarajeva,puno srece svima danas...zao mi je Eduarda ali takav je sport,nista se sad ne moze,steta za hrvatsku repr.

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